FREE Cyber Threat Assessment

Cyber Threat Assessment Program Daxtech IT Solutions

Guage Your Current Security, Productivity and Performance.

Are you concerned that your current security infrastructure may not accurately detect today’s sophisticated attacks? Do you have the operational visibility to understand how applications (traditional and web-based) are truly being utilized on your network? Is your current security solution able to sustain present-day demands despite increased traffic volume (perhaps due to cloud based storage or increased web usage)? If you are asking any of these questions, the Cyber Threat Assessment Program is for you!

  • Security and Threat Prevention – How effective is your current network security solution? Learn more about application vulnerabilities are attacking your network, which malware/botnets were detected and even pinpoint“at risk” devices within your network. Make sure your existing security solution isn’t letting anything slip through the cracks.
  • User Productivity – How are applications and web resources used within your network? Discover how cloud-based IaaS/SaaS, peer to peer, gaming, and other application subcategories are being utilized within your network. Verify that usage of your traditional client-server and web-based applications are operating in accordance with your corporate use policies.
  • Network Utilization and Performance – How should your network security solution be optimized for performance? Find out more about your throughput, session and bandwidth requirements during peak hours. Ensure your security solution is sized and optimized properly based on your actual usage

Obtaining a Cyber Threat Assessment Report will give you unmatched insight into your current security posture and network activity. Use the link below to book your FREE Cyber Threat Assessment Report Today!
Daxter Granlin

Daxter Granlin

Daxter Granlin – CEO, Daxtech IT Solutions

As CEO of Daxtech IT Solutions, Daxter Granlin embodies expertise and passion in IT services, driving innovation and competitive advantage for clients. With over two decades of experience in systems administration and IT consulting, Daxter leads a team dedicated to delivering top-tier IT strategies and solutions.

Daxter’s leadership at Daxtech is marked by a commitment to integrity, collaboration, and continuous learning. His approach ensures that client engagements are value-driven and foster lasting relationships. Trust Daxter and his team to elevate your business systems, skillfully navigating the IT landscape to keep your enterprise at the forefront of your industry.